

The movement of food through the digestive system, also known as transit time, should be about 24 hours. That means it should only take 24 hours for the food you eat to make its way through the digestive tract and out of your body. A longer transit time indicates that you might be constipated.

The colon is a muscular tube around 6 ft. long that houses the microbiome, absorbs water and moves waste out of the body. It works in a wave-like motion called ‘peristalsis’ and this action of contracting and relaxing is important in producing regular bowel movements. If this muscle isn’t working correctly the colon becomes ‘lazy’ and waste can build up and harden. Constipation can go on for years before you notice any issues, but left untreated it can lead to more serious health concerns.

Although the problem of constipation seems to be limited to the colon, it rarely is. The digestive tract is one long tube from mouth to anus, so faulty digestion in the stomach and other organs can lead to problems lower down in the small and large intestines.

Genetic factors and hormones play can play a role in constipation but most issues start with poor digestive function, diet and lifestyle. Our digestive system is not designed to handle large amounts of ultra-processed foods that lack fibre and nutrients. Sugar, wheat and dairy products can be difficult for some people to digest and eliminate due to intolerances or allergies. Dehydration, nutritional deficiencies, lack of exercise, stress and poor sleep can deplete energy reserves, making constipation worse. Longterm use of laxatives and other medications can disrupt the microbiome and the normal movement of the colon.

How we treat constipation

There’s no one-fit-all solution to treating constipation as each person will have a unique set of circumstances that has led to their digestive issues. There are, however some common factors we see in practice that give us a helpful starting point in treating this condition.

  1. If you’ve had chronic constipation, there will be a build up of waste slowly poisioning your body, leaving you feeling tired, sluggish and generally unwell. Colon hydrotherapy can treat and reverse constipation by softening and removing accumulated waste from the colon. Water gently, but thoroughly makes its way around the colon, breaking down hardened waste and removing it from the body. As the colon becomes clear of debris, the muscle begins to strengthen and the peristaltic action starts to normalise.
  2. Low stomach acid(Hypochlorhydria). Food needs to be properly acidified by stomach acid(HCl) in the stomach to move easily through the rest of the digestive tract. If the stomach isn’t producing enough HCl, digestive function is reduced and the stool moves too slowly, drying up and accumulating in the colon.
  3. Reduced bile flow. The liver produces bile and stores it in the gallbladder. Stomach acid triggers the release of bile from the gallbladder into the small intestine to break down fats in our diet and to help absorb fat soluble vitamins. Sometimes bile gets thick and sludgy and is unable to flow freely causing constipation.
  4. Colon microbiome. A diverse microbiome is essential for proper gut and immune function. When bacteria becomes unbalanced, the chemistry of the intestine changes and digestive issues, including constipation can occur. The use of antibiotics and other medications can deplete the microbiome leaving the colon susceptible to dysbiosis and parasitic infection.
  5. Diet. Your diet and hydration is extremely important when treating constipation. The 3 main food groups that cause digestive disorders are sugar, wheat and dairy. Avoiding or reducing these foods and following a clean eating program will help to reduce the severity of constipation. Correcting nutrient deficiencies is an important aspect to long term treatment.


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