Colonic irrigation is a safe and effective way to hydrate and cleanse the colon of hardened waste, toxins and parasites, preparing the gut to establish and sustain a healthy microbiome.
Colonic Irrigation is also referred to as colon hydrotherapy, colon cleansing or colonics. All of these are names for the process which uses warm, purified water to cleanse the colon – water in, waste out.
Colon hydrotherapy is the process in which warm, filtered water is delivered into the colon to aid the release of accumulated waste. A small, disposable tube is self inserted into the rectum to facilitate the entrance of water into the body.
The water slowly and systematically travels around the colon for 45 minutes, softening and breaking up blockages and removing them from the body. You will be comfortably reclined in a private room and given step by step instructions and support.
Each client experiences the procedure differently depending on their gut health. For most people the procedure is refreshing and relaxing.
The colon is one of the organs of elimination along with the liver, lungs, kidneys, skin and lymphatic system. It makes up the last 1-2 metres of the digestive system, completing the digestive process by absorbing water and synthesising key vitamins.
Every organ of the body is effected by the health of the colon. Research shows that a healthy digestive system with a balanced microbiome contributes to more efficient metabolism, stronger immune function and better mental health.
The colon hosts the microbiome – the internal eco-system of microbes that interact with many body systems and functions. It plays an active role in digestion, immune function, metabolic function, weight management, and much more.
Colon cleansing improves gut health by removing harmful bacteria, waste and toxins, and optimising absorption of nutrients. As the colon becomes cleaner and the microbiome balances, the structure and function of the gut strengthens.
Ideally colonic irrigation is used periodically as a detox measure for disease prevention, however it can also be used to treat various health issues.
There are many reasons why the colon may not function optimally. Genetic predispositions, nutritional deficiencies, dehydration, lack of exercise, stress and sleep patterns can all play a role.
Ultra-processed foods containing sugar, chemical additives and hydrogenated oils lead to the breakdown of intestinal tissue causing inflammation and leaky gut. Ultra-processed foods do not provide the fibre, moisture or nutrition to facilitate proper movement through the intestine. This can result in accumulation of waste within the colon.
We are not designed to carry around years of build up waste. A colon that is sluggish eventually interferes with the functioning of every other organ in the body. Digestive disorders such as IBS, constipation, bloating and gas can progress to more serious conditions if left untreated. Colon cleansing clears out years of accumulated waste and sets up the right conditions for a healthy microbiome.
Infusions are 100% natural, liquid solutions introduced into the colon after a series of colonics. A small amount of liquid is held in the colon for about 10 minutes to promote healing of the gut tissue, reduce inflammation and detoxify the liver. For the infusion to be effective the colon wall should be clear of waste, therefore we recommend a minimum of 3 colonic sessions before an infusion.
The organic coffee infusion is our most popular. When caffeine is introduced into the colon it has a cleansing effect on the liver. Unfortunately drinking coffee does not have the same effect. In the colon caffeine is absorbed through the hepatic portal vein and delivered directly to the liver where it opens bile ducts and encourages elimination of toxins.
The herbal infusion acts in a similar way to the coffee infusion but without the caffeine. We use herbal formulations specifically designed to reduce inflammation, heal and soothe the intestinal tissue and stimulate the liver.
The probiotic infusion is for people who have struggled with candida or other types of dysbiosis, or have a history of antibiotic use. It can help to repair damaged intestinal tissue and leaky gut.
There is no downtime after colon hydrotherapy. Most clients feel lighter, relaxed and refreshed after their session, and some even come during their lunch break. Some clients report feeling tired and others experience a mild headache or unsettled feeling in the abdomen. This is a detox sign and is normal.
We use the best TGA registered equipment and qualified therapists. Our system is low pressure or ‘gravity fed’ and the water is ultra filtered. All tubes and cover sheets are fully disposable. Complications are rare but can happen. We assess each client for any contraindications, medications or previous health issues that may pose a risk. There are some conditions in which we cannot perform the treatment or need approval from a gastroenterologist. Such conditions include:
Perforation of the colon is very rare and may occur in less than 1 in 20,000.