Infrared Sauna

Infrared sauna

Saunas have a long history of use in healing, relaxation and rejuvenation, making them one of the oldest known health modalities in human culture. In Japan, Finland and Eastern Europe saunas have been traditionally used to promote health and longevity. More recently there has been sugnificant research on body temperature and growth hormone production. Studies show that regular infrared saunas sessions slow aging by significantly increasing youth hormones. With regular sauna sessions this can have a real impact on your health and longevity.

Increasing body temperature stimulates circulation of blood and lymph, nourishing and cleansing every cell. Toxins are drawn out of the cells, swept up by the lymphatic system and removed by the eliminatory organs. In the sweating process pores are cleared and the skin is rejuvenated.

Increasing body temperature boosts the immune system helping to safeguard against colds, viruses, sinusitis and hay fever. Studies show that raising body temperature increases the production of infection fighting white blood cells and speeds up mobilisation of immune defence pathways. Certain types of viruses and bacteria cannot survive in elevated body temperatures so even a small increase can fight off these pathogens.

Sweat analysis studies show 5-6 times more toxins are eliminated during infrared saunas than in traditional saunas.

Our Sunlighten sauna emits full spectrum infrared – far, mid, near infrared heat. The different band widths have a unique therapeutic effect on the body. Unlike traditional saunas that heat the air, infrared saunas heat the body, deeply penetrating the skin to draw out impurities and enhance detoxification. With negligible EMF production Sunlighten saunas take safety, detoxification and rejuvenation to a new level.

Far infrared is the best heat wave for relaxation, detoxification and reduction of blood pressure.

Mid infrared improves circulation, aids weight loss and relieves pain.

Near infrared rejuvenates the skin, assists wound healing and strengthens the immune system.


  • clears skin – eczema, acne
  • increases blood flow and oxygenation
  • stimulates metabolism
  • reduces stress
  • breaks down cellulite
  •  muscle recovery
  • strengthens immune system
  • increases youth hormones
  • $30 – 30 mins
  • $40 – 45 mins
  • $50 – 60 mins


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The relaxing health practice with big benefits.
