SIBO(small intestine bacterial overgrowth) and SIFO(small intestine fungal overgrowth) also known as candida, produce significant digestive issues such as bloating, gas, constipation, IBS, thrush, urinary tract infections, skin disorders, foggy thinking and fatigue. SIBO and SIFO happen when microbes take residence in the small intestine, a place they should not be, causing tissue damage and inflammation.
Normally these microbes reside in the colon causing no harm as they are kept in check by the immune system, intestinal pH and good bacteria. However, if the body’s defences become weakened these microbes can overgrow in the wrong places and cause a host of health issues. Following an anti-candida diet, taking specific anti-microbial supplements and strengthening the immune system is essential when treating these infections. Colon cleansing is especially useful where constipation, diarrhea or IBS is occurring.
Why do personal trainers send their clients to us before beginning their training programs? It’s because they know that gut health is the foundation of sustained weight loss. If you’re not seeing results with diet and exercise, take a look at your gut health. Weight loss happens when a number of different factors come together – nutrition, hydration, exercise, hormone balance, stress reduction, sleep quality – but cleansing the digestive system is often overlooked.
A healthy liver has an enormous impact on fitness and weight loss. When the liver is overburdened it can’t remove toxins efficiently from the body, instead it stores these toxins in fat cells. This is an emergency back-up system the body has to protect itself from harmful substances entering the bloodstream. When waste is not being removed from the body quickly enough, as in the case of constipation or IBS, this accumulating waste can increase the toxic load on the liver. The more this happens, the more the body has to store toxins in fat.
Fatigue can occur for multiple reasons– long term physical or emotional stress, adrenal burnout, lack of exercise, nutrient deficiencies, food intolerances, allergies, poor liver function, etc. Each person will have a different set of circumstances and nutritional requirements that are important to assess on an individual basis.
Healthy digestion underpins stable energy levels. The way we break down, process, absorb and eliminate food is crucual for obtaining the nutrients we need from our diet. The food we consume turns into the building blocks our cells use to produce energy and to repair the body. If digestive function is compromised nutrient deficiencies can occur, leaving the body unable to go through the proper processes of energy production.