The more I see clients with digestive issues, the more I understand the link between probiotics and digestive health. It’s not only the right type of bacteria that counts, it’s also the prebiotics. Prebiotics are foods which feed and nurture good bacteria, encouraging proper colonisation of the gut. Like any good gardener knows, the quality of the soil is crucial to the health of the plant. The same goes with your intestines. Foods that feed and support the healthy bacteria will lead to a stronger gut wall and immune health. On the other hand foods that feed the wrong type of bacteria, processed sugar, grains, alcohol, etc, will diminish not only your digestive health but your overall wellbeing.
Your body contains approximately 100 trillion bacteria – that’s around 10 times the number of cells you have in your entire body. Studies show that the quantity and type of microorganisms in your gut interact with the body in ways that can either fight or encourage many diseases. The ideal ratio of bacteria in the gut is 85 percent “good” and 15 percent “bad.” Maintaining this ratio is essential for digestive and immune health. Unfortunately a lot of people have this ratio the other way around and this is evident with the symptoms they are experiencing. Digestive dysfunctions such as IBS, constipation, leaky gut, insulin resistance, chronic fatigue, acne, eczema are just some of the issues we see in our clinic.
Each person will require a different approach to their diet and lifestyle depending on blood type, allergies and health status but there are certain foods that will promote, and other foods that will hinder the recolonisation of good bacteria. Refined sugar and grains, processed foods, overheated or fried oils, excessive alcohol all promote the growth of yeast, fungus and bad bacteria. Foods that act as prebiotics or feed the good bacteria are garlic, onions, leeks, root vegetables, artichoke, asparagus, dandelion root, bananas just to name a few. Green vegetables, seeds, nuts and unheated natural oils are also important in providing the fibre and lubrication needed to keep the colon moving.
The goal of our treatment is to clean away any accumulated waste that is breeding the wrong type of bacteria and introduce the right type of bacteria. This will strengthen the integrity of the gut wall and bring back proper functioning of the colon. Long standing digestive issues will take some commitment but it’s worth the health benefits in the long run.
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